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Yeah, good thing you figured that out there was a problem now. I need to test mine, but it's been Hot enough that I haven't thought of it much. Bring on that Global Warming... Any decade now.... Don't be shy....
I didn't know you could make Whiskey in a Garage... I thought you had to be out in the middle of nowhere like Walter White. I want to make it, but just to see it happen...

If I were to label it and sell it, I would call it "Cat Snot Bourbon", hence no drinking it... That said, if I bought all the equipment, I might be able to make Beer with it, which I would drink with Animal Snot if that's what ended up happening. If there were a Beer called Dog Paw Porter, I would try it... Or Stout... I would try any Porter or Stout, especially since I haven't had a Beer in almost 4 Years.

6 Months of trapped inside pretty much, why don't people do this in Montana?

The answer is they do, I'm just not one of the Cool Kids yet... Fake it till you make it, though... Making Chocolate was $..... Whiskey looks like $$$$$$$$

So...... I was sitting here warming the house up a little bit (65° at the time). All of a sudden I start hearing a sort of hum/vibrating and then a hot/burning smell coming out of the vents. So I turned the heat pump off.

Glad I was home to turn it off. I do have to work tomorrow though with a high of 52° expected tomorrow and a low of 39° tonight. So. My son and dogs will be cold while I am working tomorrow. Hopefully it's something simple to fix, I can't really afford to replace it currently, but I will cross that bridge when I get there.
There are some good programs out there to get a new HVAC for low monthly payments if you don't have big bucks to pay up front. You might save enough in monthly energy costs to pay for it too.
Excited for these 7 days off, hoping to finish the upper cabinets and wallpaper, then shampooing a rug in my dining room. I also need to paint all of the doors for the cabinets, can't do that if it's cold inside.
I only work 2 12 hour shifts my next turn and then I am on vacation for 12!!! Days. I am hoping to start some sewing projects. Looking forward to trying to form a new hobby.....

Speaking of new things. I quit drinking sweet tea daily 7 days ago, so far I have gained 2 pounds 😳.
I quit eating all the sugar that I could many years ago. I gave up diet coke and drink un-sweet ice tea now. I can't stand sweet tea anymore. About a year ago, I started eating sweet things like peanut M&Ms and snicker bars. I gained 10 pounds and my triglycerides shot way up. The high triglycerides caused my cholesterol to be inaccurate too. anyway, for three months, I quit all sweets again and my triglycerides and cholesterol came down to a reasonable level.
So.... for a flare of drama.... I found my heated throw blanket and am trying to stop under it lol. It's not even that cold currently 😜😬

The HVAC people are coming Monday.View attachment 33542
Monday? That's as soon as they could get there? Did you tell them you have no heat?

Ruby bought an oil heater for her kittens this week. The oil heaters are pretty efficient, safe and cheap.

Monday? That's as soon as they could get there? Did you tell them you have no heat?
For that particular company yes, it will be Monday. I have used him in the past and he was reasonable and no bs.
While it is supposed to be in the 30s at night, our days are 60s and then low 70s so it will be fine. If it were colder, I would call a different company possibly, but I think it can wait.
I woke up about an hour ago and it is still 60° in the house, while it is 36° outside. It was 64 when I went to bed and I slept with my ceiling fan and a pedestal fan on all night, as well as the ceiling fan and a box fan on in another room. I think the biggest downfall of it being cool in the house will be my increased laziness because I am cold out from under the heated throw lol.

I hope everyone has a great day, I am going to get awake and figure out what to do on day off #1.
I quit eating all the sugar that I could many years ago. I gave up diet coke and drink un-sweet ice tea now. I can't stand sweet tea anymore. About a year ago, I started eating sweet things like peanut M&Ms and snicker bars. I gained 10 pounds and my triglycerides shot way up. The high triglycerides caused my cholesterol to be inaccurate too. anyway, for three months, I quit all sweets again and my triglycerides and cholesterol came down to a reasonable level.
Yes Sir... Quitting Sugar in all forms does incredible things for health... It's like a new beginning when the body isn't fed Sugar and all the chemicals in processed foods... The Body literally tells you after a few weeks because your sweat doesn't smell, your bathroom visits don't smell etc...

You can eliminate every toxin via Food and Bathroom chemical products and Dishwasher and Laundry products etc. while still consuming Sugar and you will smell the same... Sugar burning in the Body is the same thing as Sugar burning on the Cooktop...

If people get into the habit and cleanse themselves, the addictions to all the chemicals in literally everything that's packaged as "food" disappears... People don't need to use deodorant or soap or shampoo or anything because there's no smell to get rid of. People can walk down every aisle of the Supermarket and not buy anything because it's all garbage...

People can turn their Grey hair back to it's original color... People can eliminate wrinkles... Fat melts off the body on command... There's no use for Prescription Drugs...

People can hack their health however they want, but very few do... I tell myself that occasional Whiskey is my reward for "being good", but I can turn that off like a light switch as well...

Side note on Cholesterol if you don't know... Total at 200 is perfect for Adult Males.
Yes Sir... Quitting Sugar in all forms does incredible things for health... It's like a new beginning when the body isn't fed Sugar and all the chemicals in processed foods... The Body literally tells you after a few weeks because your sweat doesn't smell, your bathroom visits don't smell etc...

Side note on Cholesterol if you don't know... Total at 200 is perfect for Adult Males.
I want to watch this but I got busy today.

Put up some crown and baseboards



You know the less impact to all bodily joints is a longer shovel, right?
Or, a guy, a plow truck and a checkbook. Downside being that it is your checkbook.

It's odd how on my street there are ten million kids, yet none shovel, cut lawns or rake leaves for money. When I was a kid, we had territory wars over such jobs.

Of course we walked ten miles in 2 foot deep snow to school each day & it was uphill both ways.
Or, a guy, a plow truck and a checkbook. Downside being that it is your checkbook.

It's odd how on my street there are ten million kids, yet none shovel, cut lawns or rake leaves for money. When I was a kid, we had territory wars over such jobs.

Of course we walked ten miles in 2 foot deep snow to school each day & it was uphill both ways.
Yeah, I have never seen a kid work anywhere I have lived except when I was a kid.