From experience, I sure agree with Tylopwort about moving the heater.I wouldn’t bother trying to fit a pan under an old heater. Moving it could cause more problems, and pans don’t hold much water anyway.
Where I worked; constantly the big shot money people would "supervise" demolition jobs and require the water heaters to be saved- From little 6 gallon to 200 gallon, 199.9-k's.
Sometimes lime scale inside was stopping a leak at the sprayed on glass lining. Moving the tank would knock the lime loose. Other times, the glass would simply crack- after all it's already expanded and contracted a bunch of times.
When one still worked upon re-installation, the plumbers would celebrate! If it worked 2 days later, more celebrating! (Rare, indeed)
And, as Tylopwort mentioned, the pans don't hold enough to help other than a quickly noticed T&P drip. (Yet are required in some installations anyway)