I've had some mold in a few areas around the bathtub for months.
I tried industrial cleaner, vinegar, baking soda, alcohol, pumice stone, Magic Eraser and
then finally Clorox Clean Up w bleach. The next day, there wasn't a trace of it.
Now I see some cracks in those areas. I was going to just put some caulk over them.
Then I see for some reason that's a no no. I did see a product that you can do
this...Permatex or something. Any experiences with this?
I tried industrial cleaner, vinegar, baking soda, alcohol, pumice stone, Magic Eraser and
then finally Clorox Clean Up w bleach. The next day, there wasn't a trace of it.
Now I see some cracks in those areas. I was going to just put some caulk over them.
Then I see for some reason that's a no no. I did see a product that you can do
this...Permatex or something. Any experiences with this?