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I hate dimmers. They make LEDs blink like fluorescent bulbs and I hate that. Only place I ever had a dimmer was in the dining room of our house in California. Never really had a need for them. I like my lights to either be off or super bright.
Some LED bulbs can't be dimmed without flickering, if at all. The package will say if they are dimmable. (Same with fluorescent bulbs.) Some LED dim beautifully & smoothly.

Most dimmers for incandescent lights won't dim a LED or will cause the flickering you described. The standard incandescent dimmer varies the voltage, often with a variable resistor (rheostat). Some more expensive ones modulate the pulse width (PWM type). There are many more methods of dimming incandescent.

A few PWM will operate incandescent and dimmable LED bulbs.

PWM LED dimmers tend to clip the lamp at 10% brightness. (Unless the problem has been solved by now.)
Analog LED dimmers vary the forward current for a smoother dimming all the way to zero. Again, the bulb has to be dimmable.

Dimmable LED plus Dimmer for LED = √

PS: Sounds like the police had no kind of empathy at all. Surely seems unfair.
For what it is worth, I was a police officer in the city and got laid off years ago. I still have my plates & union sticker. They don't help in the suburbs.
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I finished a puzzle today that I started 18+ months ago. I was determined that it was not going back into its box until I knew all pieces were accounted for and I had completed it.

I took pictures of the 2 rooms that I need to declutter and organize. My intent was to make a list of EVERYTHING that needs to be touched by me and sorta, keep, toss, donate. Then, I want to pick out a couple of items a week and accomplish at least those items for that week, that way there is progress and I hopefully don't feel so overwhelmed. If I get more done, we'll that's fantastic but if I only get whatever the minimum # is accomplished that's also fantastic. I feel like a 4 year old with these executive functioning problems. It's dumb. I always thought these things would be easier as I aged, not get harder.
Tomorrow is my last day off this week, I'm not ready for my workweek yet but oh well, right? Lol
I did plan a vacation week, so that will be nice. I'm not going anywhere, I just need more downtime to decompress as the 2nd anniversary of my mom passing approaches.
I'd like to get a puzzle table, however thise things are expensive. Maybe I will make one out of a used piece of furniture one day.... who knows lol
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Cool, Shan... I need space in my garage to create the Keep / Donate / Trash piles, so that's a sign I have too much crap! I wish I would have gotten a Double Wide.

That puzzle is awesome... I was wondering where it was at first, but the Flag clearly shows it's the place that was called the United States.
Cool, Shan... I need space in my garage to create the Keep / Donate / Trash piles, so that's a sign I have too much crap! I wish I would have gotten a Double wide
I'm funny about those piles (edited). Like, when I decide I am done with something I get super impatient. I want it gone as soon as possible. I don't want to hold onto it for a week for someone to pick up. I don't even care if it is worth a little bit of money, if you want it.... come get it, because it may end up in the trash otherwise. It's awful, I know. I just want it gone though.

I do still have to much stuff but on the other hand, I am finding areas with empty spaces that can be used and it feels really weird. I opened my closet the other day and realized that the shelf above was mostly empty and I could move some things from the floor up on the shelf. It was just weird to realize that.
The one bedroom that I need to go through looks like a disaster but there are multiple empty totes in there that make it look cramped.
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I'm funny about those pukes. Like, when I decide I am done with something I get super impatient. I want it gone as soon as possible. I don't want to hold onto it for a week for someone to pick up. I don't even care if it is worth a little bit of money, if you want it.... come get it, because it may end up in the trash otherwise. It's awful, I know. I just want it gone though.

I do still have to much stuff but on the other hand, I am finding areas with empty spaces that can be used and it feels really weird. I opened my closet the other day and realized that the shelf above was mostly empty and I could move some things from the floor up on the shelf. It was just weird to realize that.
The one bedroom that I need to go through looks like a disaster but there are multiple empty totes in there that make it look cramped.
If you want stuff gone quickly and can't get to St. Vincent DePaul or another donation place; things on FreeCycle & Craigslist get scooped up quickly- sometimes within an hour of posting on Craigslist.

The recipient is usually a charity or thrift store who wants and appreciates what is offered free. They usually want to give you a receipt for your tax deduction if you can use it.

Other places to put free stuff include Sharebay, Freegle, TrashNothing. There are more.

Just some ideas to help you keep from having to landfill things people can use.

There is also Goodwill Industries, and despite their business model, accept a wide range of items, others may shy away from.

As a for instance, the large donation centers in the LA, OC, CA. basin, are an equal opportunity employer, have few exception, for donations. Clothing is sorted and Item not selected for their stores retail, are weekly offered to be sorted thru by outside vendors, and products remaining are then bulk vended to "ragers" who convert them to rags, as a retailed Item. Quality mattresses are cleaned and retailed, others are stripped and sold to scrapers, little is wasted.

Interestingly, in the upper midwest, there seems little interest in developing standards of recycling and items are declared as"hard to handle", with the appropriate up-charge for landfill deposit.
Did I mention that my outside outlet isn't working again? It's a gfci and it won't let you test or reset it. The electrician is going to stop by in the morning and take a look at it. It shows an open hot like it did the last time also. Hopefully it's an easy fix.
Last day off, I am always a little sad when my days off come to an end.
I have been fascinated with Near Death Experiences for a long time, but hadn't found a video that describes them better than this one... If people are on the fence about whether they believe it happens or not (despite them being scientifically validated), this video might push them to the believe side.

Lots of people think they are dreams or hallucinations, which the Dr. addresses.

I have been fascinated with Near Death Experiences for a long time, but hadn't found a video that describes them better than this one...

I just watched a few NDE videos on YouTube. They are fascinating to watch. Especially when it has happened in a hospital setting, the patient can tell you word for word exactly what happened, but then the surgeon always stomps off saying they don't believe that.

I think it was this one

Yeah, Surgeons are typically the ones that don't believe it at all for whatever reason. I assume you have run into people that say they had them, as RN's and NP's are more open to believing, based on the Thousands of accounts I have read.

My favorite example of an undeniable account was a guy that died during surgery, complete flatline for however long it was... Some people say you can go anywhere you want in Soul form... Think of the Pyramids and you are instantly in Giza... Think about the Colosseum and you are instantly in Rome etc...

Well, this guy traveled to his Surgeon's house for whatever bizarre reason, traveled through it and back to the ER. When he woke up, all his family and friends and the nurses and staff greeted him since he was almost gone for good... The last to visit him was the Surgeon, and at that point the guy said he was "out of his body" or whatever... The Surgeon said "Dream... Hallucination.."... Even though it's physically impossible to dream with no brain activity... ????

Then the guy told the Surgeon exactly what the inside of his house looks like... That's called a Surgeon whose face turns White.

It's accounts like his that solidify the Scientific Validation part.
PJ, thank you for explaining that. The weird thing is, I found that the dimmable LEDs flicker in non-dimming fixtures. I don't know why. But maybe its because the fixtures were not designed for LEDs and it could be because my house's power fluctuates.

I went out and unloaded a bunch of stuff from the truck, moved some stuff to the trunk (yes, my truck has a trunk), brought some stuff inside to put in bins, moved some stuff to the CRV (car parts for the CRV and some jack stands), cooked up the rest of the hamburger patties before they could go bad, and went out to cut some weeds next to the sidewalk. My trimmer ran out of battery in less than 20min. I have it charging for now.

Briefly talked to my cousin's son. The gift I got for his wedding was ready for pickup at his nearest home depot. I got an e-mail about it and sent him a message. He messaged back to say he picked it up. I gave him the url for this site since it looks like he's going to be doing some drywall and caulking and stuff. I keep wanting to call him a kid, but he's a young man now. I still remember him when he was little.

My sister is on her way over-- should take her a bit more than 4hrs to get here. I'm talking a break before I do some cleaning, finish cutting weeds, and go pick up mail.

I got notification that something I ordered for Mom was airmailed via UPS (free shipping) and went from Washington to Lafayette, LA in a few hours and in like 40min it went from Lafayette to Alexandria. It's now out for delivery. It's this turban thingy:
For years she worse some sort of rag thingy folded into a triangle on her hair. She doesn't like her hair and always covers it. I'd recently found the turbans. Found some without the beads for her and she loves them. I got her the one with the beads to wear to the wedding on Saturday. I was going to wear my black turban (similar style) but since I had my hair chopped off, I won't need to keep my hair out of the way.

Mewlatto is still being clingy with me. And man, I saw a picture of the most adorable kitten on Twitter and I wanted it so badly. Some women get baby fever. I get kitten fever. :p
I got stuff from the post office, made a quick trip to the store, and went back home. I got new trash bag in the kitchen trash, filled it up, put a new one in. Cleaned the hallway, cleaned up the kitchen a little-- mostly the floor, and then went back out to cut more weeds. My little timmer thingy couldn't cut through some of them so I smashed them down with my foot. I'll have to use a more aggressive weedeater later, but not when my brother will be having to walk by as he's allergic to the cuttings.

My sister made it in and came to see the place. We all gave her big hugs and we walked around looking at the farm a bit. It was over 90°F so we didn't stay out long. In the brief few minutes I got drenched in sweat again-- or maybe it was from moisture in the air clinging to me or both. She's used to dry heat, not wet heat.

We hung out for a bit while Mom played her computer games and then she said she'd meet us at a hotel and she took our brother with her to spend some time with him. The hotel she'd picked turned out to look like guests would be stabbed by a hobo so she decided to try a different one nearby. My truck's gps had the streets all wrong so I had to use my phone's gps and for once Mom didn't mess up anything on my screen when she held the phone up for me.

Found the place and bro and sis hopped in to the truck and we went to eat at the Chinese place. We ate and then went back to the hotel to hang out with my sister. Mom fell asleep. I started to fall asleep and said that we should get back so I could take my meds and get some sleep since we plan to go up there again today. I wish she was staying longer.

Mom wanted McDonalds on the way home. Did curbside order but after waiting 10min the app told me I'd received the food and to enjoy but we didn't get the order. So I had to go inside and wait another 5min. There was another woman in there who said they messed up her order 3x already and she was waiting for them to fix it. More people were waiting in line to order. No employees were manning the registers. I called out to see if anyone from the kitchen could hear and a frazzled looking guy asked what I needed. i explained and he said they were short-staffed. Only 4 employees and trying to catch up. Said my fries were up but not the other stuff. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't eat fries, but I wanted fries. As more customers came in I gave them the heads up that the place was understaffed and employees were doing their best. I then said that corporate idiocy not wanting to be "high on labor" was not conducive to productivity or happy customers. 5min later another employee came by to ask what I was waiting on and then she brought out one item. Another few minutes later she got the rest of the order. Took about 25min total. Took the stuff to the truck and explained about the delay. Mom and bro had their drinks while I drove.

Got home and carried stuff in. Had to get a few things for Mom before I could sit down and dip my fries in my chocolate shake. Princess was sitting on the back of the couch and I could hear her licking her lips and moving closer to my ear and feel her paw on my back as she was moving closer because she wanted some of my fries. So I shared some with her (not a lot of course bc they aren't good for dogs-- not good for people either. LOL.) She was happy.

Mom wanted leftover Chinese before I could go to bed. Climbed in bed, checked some things online, and racked out.

Woke up feeling like I'd barely set my head on the pillow and am waiting for everyone else to get up. Sent registry gift info to my sister and suggested that anything from the Lowes list we could see if they had in stock at the nearest one and bring it. But, I think she's still asleep. I'm sure she's exhausted from the long drive and all the walking around yesterday.

Mom will need her dexcom sensor changed when she wakes up. I'm gonna give her another 30min before I go do that. Gonna try to nap until then bc I am not awake enough to start my day.
I finished rewiring the kitchen by adding 12/2 Romex with a ground.

During electrical work



It was a lot of work and expensive. I’m wondering if it was worth it. I’ve wondered for a while now why a ground wire is so important so I Googled it. Google says, “the ground provides a path for Excess electricity to escape.” Where does excess electricity come from? I guess if the neutral was broken or open then the hot would have no where to go but how does it get to the ground?

It seems to me that with a GFCI, a ground is not necessary and code agrees.

But anyway, I’ve got grounds now.
PJ, thank you for explaining that. The weird thing is, I found that the dimmable LEDs flicker in non-dimming fixtures. I don't know why. But maybe its because the fixtures were not designed for LEDs and it could be because my house's power fluctuates.

Flickering could be due to the bulb itself. I've been through a lot of defective (flickering) LED bulbs. For me, it's been mostly the A-Shape that flicker. Cheap manufacutring?

Some brands are better than others. And, as discussed, if there is a non-LED dimmer in line, flickering problems could arise-even if fully on.

Cree has been a good brand. I've used hundreds at work.
Just once I had a problem with a Cree. Two of their flat ceiling lights flickered. Cree sent 4 new ones to replace the two bad ones. The new are good.

Your utility may sell LED bulbs, too. Sometimes the price is amazing. A month ago, I got 16 A-shape, dimmable LED from the Detroit Edison (DTE) on line store for free. Free shipping, too.

PS For Fun: If you ever want a miniature spot light, cut off the top half of the dome on a plastic, A-Shape LED. Inside is a flat spot light made of dozens of SMDs. Screw it in & use like normal. I use them in my workbench adjustable arm lamps.
A piece of string or dental floos makes a good cutter for the dome.
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I started hanging Sheetrock yesterday. My plan is to get the area where the new cabinets will go done first so I can get my MIL’s kitchen back in operation. Then I’ll Sheetrock the rest of the area that’s open to the kitchen. Her side of the house had paneling in it which I can’t stand.

Mom wanted McDonalds on the way home. Did curbside order but after waiting 10min the app told me I'd received the food and to enjoy but we didn't get the order. So I had to go inside and wait another 5min. There was another woman in there who said they messed up her order 3x already and she was waiting for them to fix it. More people were waiting in line to order. No employees were manning the registers. I called out to see if anyone from the kitchen could hear and a frazzled looking guy asked what I needed. i explained and he said they were short-staffed. Only 4 employees and trying to catch up.
One of many reasons I don't eat fast food, however I would make an exception for Arby's. The advent of $15 an hour, now $20 in CA for unskilled entry level jobs that are meant to be nothing other than teaching kids about working and getting them experience has turned into what you talk about as a perfect example.

People started the marches for $15 in Seattle, and I said back then that they would be homeless or at the very minimum living with 4 roommates. I knew from my travels in the area that the only FF joint that could pay people that ridiculous doubling of a salary was the Seattle Ferry dock McDonalds because they have a Million people walking by every day. People get off the Ferry and go there before their walk to the Mariners or Seahawks games, they stop there on their way anywhere else... The foot traffic for every other FF joint is miniscule comparatively.

SO... The owner of the joint can either fire a whole bunch of people and keep a fully paid skeleton crew with fully paid benefits, or make everybody part time with no benefits. Ergo, needing 4 roommates to afford the bills because Mr. Landlord is going to get his from that $18 whatever the employee makes... "You got a raise of $10 more dollars an hour!!!???... Well, I will only take $8 of that starting next month"...

Everything else went up as a result, meaning that $15 plus is now LESS than they were making at $8... Tents popped up in every big City... Then enter the Alcohol and Drugs... Then enter the Crime because these people that were doing fine at $8 an hour aren't doing fine anymore and somebody has to pay...

I don't know anybody that will pay $8 for a burger unless it's a sit down joint and it actually looks like a Burger instead of what you get with FF. I look like a Caveman, so I know how to use Fire. I'm good.
There's a pancake house corp. in CA whose starting hourly wage is $3.50, and they do not demand tip sharing, Your longevity also determines your hourly wage. The article said they have little turnover, because your performance, determines your success.
There's a pancake house corp. in CA whose starting hourly wage is $3.50, and they do not demand tip sharing, Your longevity also determines your hourly wage. The article said they have little turnover, because your performance, determines your success.
That's baked in. They are losing a lot of their tips unless it's a hopping joint and they make lots of cash tips like a Hooters, because Men are morons.

If Trump is President, he is getting rid of taxes on tips.