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Of course you won't elaborate on that. I'm not a huge Musk fan, but he and his team are impressive.
i did not think i would have to explain this so here it is .
elon musk is the richest man in the world.
the poorest people are many countries that have gone through war, famine, drought, ect.
the is an old saying full bellies never started a revolution but empty bellies did .
look back to the french revolution, chinese rebellion, russian revolution.
it is very dangerous. Kennedy started the usaid program saying it was easier feeding them than fighting
them a couple of years later .
I was just reading a very long thread on one of my Lake Havasu forums regarding the Canadian "Snowbirds" who inundate that city during the winter months, in order to get the medical treatment they want/desire/deserve, because of the year long waits for necessary medical treatments in Canada. IMHO, Socialized Medicine does not work.
Ok, so when you give support to your local grocery store and give them cash in exchange for Milk and Cookies, that's Blackmail according to you.
That's an inaccurate analogy. It would be more accurate like this: the local grocery is constantly getting robbed, sometimes the clerk gets beaten up, the owner is continually harrased. You have tried to help him defend himself. So one day you walk in and say, you know what? Unless you give me groceries for free or at a huge discount I'm not going to help you anymore and something really bad is going to happen to you and your store. You know like the mob does, protection, not because it's the right thing to do but for a fee, a little cut. Probably where he got his negotiating skills as we know he's had mob connections.
It's not fantasy at all. DOGE has already uncovered $2.7 TRILLION in improper Medicare and Medicaid payments since 2003... That's only one segment! If they get rid of all improper payments, get rid of USAID, get rid of Education etc., the budget can be balanced because of the $$$$ we take in.

So, The Donald's net worth is less than $400M? I have made plenty of money on DJT. It isn't making money yet, but I guess you have started businesses that are successful within a couple of years, breaking the standard 5 year minimum rule for ROI?
No re-read, he inherited somewhere between $250 and $400 million. A true silver spooner. Now if he just invested it in a broad market fund in the S&P he would have about $7 billion. If he went with the Nasdaq it would be closer to $40 billion. All without lifting a finger, or dumping debt on the public through one of his many bankruptcies, or stiffing contractors.

I'd like to know what DOGE is actually cutting. You seem to know. Can you direct me to any sort of public records for an accounting? I'd also like Musk and his minions to not have my personal information. The possible improprieties with that group seem endless. If they will balance the budget why do they want to raise the debt limit by $4 Trillion?
Ukraine can be dependent on Countries in Europe. The Democrats laundered most of that cash anyway, King Zelensky said he only got a portion of the cash.

The Tariffs could be removed all together on both sides, that's what he wants, that's what a leader does. Countries were allowed to walk all over the USA under the 3 terms of the Bushes, 2 terms of Clinton and 3 terms of Obama... No more. Your leaders are freaking out because The Donald and DOGE are over the target, and you're just regurgitating all their baseless points. There is no Democrat that can win a debate against MAGA... None.
Who are my leaders? I didn't vote and have never supported Biden or Harris. I haven't voted D or R for president since 2012.i have never voted a straight ticket nationally or locally.
If you aren't religious, you don't place your hand on the Bible. Religion doesn't mean anything to God.
Oh we know The Donald isn't religious, he knows zilch about God or Christ. Except he tries to act like it when convenient to pander to people who are. Why did he bother to bring his mother's Bible to the inauguration, show and tell? Why does he try to sell Chinese made bibles with his face on them to people? I'll tell you, it's just Don The Con shaking down every sucker he can.

You also like to make wild statements about left wing pedophiles a lot. You should be careful about such accusations. You know who was pals with Jeffery Epstine. Partied with him a lot back in the day. Stange ending for that guy, almost like a prison mob hit.

I don't support the current democratic party's agenda, too far left. I don't support the republican agenda, too far right. I for sure don't support a convicted con artest who has no interest in anyone but himself. I just can't believe anyone that remembers Trump from the 80's would ever vote for him. He was a loudmouth narcissistic blowhard back then and hasn't changed a bit except getting a lot older. I think he's gone goofy or senile or something. But hey in 4 years if the budget is balanced, inflation is low, jobs are plentiful, and we're not in a world war I'll happily admit I was wrong. I won't hold my breath.
I was just reading a very long thread on one of my Lake Havasu forums regarding the Canadian "Snowbirds" who inundate that city during the winter months, in order to get the medical treatment they want/desire/deserve, because of the year long waits for necessary medical treatments in Canada. IMHO, Socialized Medicine does not work.
We are good friends with a couple fom Canada and he tells me it's a long wait for some stuff but if your bad off you can get in. He also said a lot of employers offer a supplemental coverage as a perk similar to employee coverage here or a Medicare supplement. That gets you in a lot faster by his account. I asked him more than once if he would trade his healthcare system for ours. He wasn't interested neither was his wife. She's from the US but they've been married living in Canada a long time. He's Canadian born.

My mother, 82, has heart issues and started having issues with weakness, falling, dizziness, etc a couple months ago. She has been waiting 2 months to get into the doc. Her appointment is tomorrow actually. We've been worried if she was going to make it till then. I had to wait 8 weeks to see a neurosurgeon a couple years ago. The US Healthcare system stinks too IMHO. We are well down the list in every category except cost. We used to be at or near the top in availability but I'm not sure if that's true anymore. Have you ever asked any of those folks on the forum if they would trade systems? No system is perfect but I have great distain for our system on multiple fronts. My SIL had to travel to Mexico to get treatment that isn't available here. He has suffered greatly from ptsd from his time in the service. He has lost a lot of close friends from the army to suicide. He is doing a lot better since the treatment last fall and is now doing some mentoring for fellow vets having problems.
SP, the author of the pundit article is substantially inaccurate. While I can google maps show you the location of 5 subscriber clinics, who's primary clientele are of questionable legitimacy, and are thusly afforded the benefits of medical, they also pay an, albeit small fee, for service.

There is a substantial movement for kamala-la-la-la, as next in line as CA., GOV.

I wonder why the, "two time proud to be an American," Michel-my-bell, has yet to declare.

The comedy would be irresistible.
"According to California’s Budget Committee,"
i did not think i would have to explain this so here it is .
elon musk is the richest man in the world.
the poorest people are many countries that have gone through war, famine, drought, ect.
the is an old saying full bellies never started a revolution but empty bellies did .
look back to the french revolution, chinese rebellion, russian revolution.
it is very dangerous. Kennedy started the usaid program saying it was easier feeding them than fighting
them a couple of years later .
USAID is the U.S. Agency for International Development, AKA the CIA.

Sure, they have their logo feces on Rice bags to make it look like they do something, but they spend Hundreds of Billions on stuff that is outside the mission people think it's for, like funding Terrorists in the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
That's an inaccurate analogy. It would be more accurate like this: the local grocery is constantly getting robbed, sometimes the clerk gets beaten up, the owner is continually harrased. You have tried to help him defend himself. So one day you walk in and say, you know what? Unless you give me groceries for free or at a huge discount I'm not going to help you anymore and something really bad is going to happen to you and your store. You know like the mob does, protection, not because it's the right thing to do but for a fee, a little cut. Probably where he got his negotiating skills as we know he's had mob connections.
No, I was right with my analogy. You have to give something to get something. That half Trillion worth of Rare Earth Minerals would drastically cut the demand from areas where Slaves are used to mine the minerals.
No re-read, he inherited somewhere between $250 and $400 million. A true silver spooner. Now if he just invested it in a broad market fund in the S&P he would have about $7 billion. If he went with the Nasdaq it would be closer to $40 billion. All without lifting a finger, or dumping debt on the public through one of his many bankruptcies, or stiffing contractors.
Ok, so unless his Net worth is under $400 Million, he has made money with his Businesses, which bring in Half or more of their value yearly. You don't have any proof he stiffed contractors, that's a regurgitated comment that proves you never do any research. You don't want Musk to have your personal info? Do you think he will open a CC in your name? You do know that everybody in the USA was hacked, right? All of our info is on the Dark Web.

Show me a Bible with his face on it. You don't know what he does or doesn't know about God. He gave credit to God Hundreds of times since he was shot for saving his life.

You also like to make wild statements about left wing pedophiles a lot. You should be careful about such accusations. You know who was pals with Jeffery Epstine. Partied with him a lot back in the day. Stange ending for that guy, almost like a prison mob hit.
The Left is FULL of Pedophiles like Biden, and one only needs to look at the Molesting that goes on in Grade Schools across the Country... TONS of Pedophiles. People on the Right fight that garbage. People on the Left accept it and vote for it.

If I had a Penny for every inaccurate statement regurgitated by someone on the Left or a RINO voter, I would be incredibly rich.
I don't support the current democratic party's agenda, too far left. I don't support the republican agenda, too far right. I for sure don't support a convicted con artest who has no interest in anyone but himself. I just can't believe anyone that remembers Trump from the 80's would ever vote for him. He was a loudmouth narcissistic blowhard back then and hasn't changed a bit except getting a lot older. I think he's gone goofy or senile or something. But hey in 4 years if the budget is balanced, inflation is low, jobs are plentiful, and we're not in a world war I'll happily admit I was wrong. I won't hold my breath.
The Donald is the only one that won't go to war, unlike the Terrorists Bush and Cheney, that's one of the reasons they tried to Kill him several times. What was he convicted of? You literally don't know, do you?
My mother, 82, has heart issues and started having issues with weakness, falling, dizziness, etc a couple months ago. She has been waiting 2 months to get into the doc. Her appointment is tomorrow actually. We've been worried if she was going to make it till then.
I pray your Mom is better in the future. There is zero help for anybody in the Allopathic modality, though. To heal, people need to work with a Functional Medicine MD, someone that figured out endless Drugs only worsen everything.
I LOVE this forum that is BIRTHED from my LOINS!!! AAAAHHHAHAHAHAHHAA... IT'S ALL MINE!!!!

I don't know what Movie that is from or if I invented it, but I have heard that "Young Frankenstein" is Hilarious... It's on my list.

I don't think I have mentioned this before, but it leads into the PANIC ATTACK that Michael Steele has here... One of my relatives skipped Thanksgiving and Christmas because She thinks The Donald will Imprison everybody that voted for Harris in Concentration Camps... Everybody else in our Immediate Family is MAGA, and it's disclosed she was getting that info from some rando on Youtube... I think She will be fine, but it's not like the Disease doesn't exist...

So, THIS VIDEO is the exact epitome of the Democrat Party... The EXACT Psychological response that anybody would have if they are PINNED to the Wall... My background in Psychology and Interrogating suspects in Iraq makes it obvious, and it's obvious to those here that are LEO's because they know the Body language and it's really strikingly obvious to lots of Democrat commoner voters that don't know anything about HUMINT, but they are smart enough to take into their EYES and EARS what their party is spouting off... (Or their former party, considering EVERY State gained RED and literally EVERY County in the land voted less for Harris than they did for Biden... Not ONE County had more votes for Harris)...

I don't know what's wrong with Kamala.. A "Lawyer" with a JD Degree that can't form 3 sentences while talking to people while EVERY other Lawyer in the History of forever has the distinct trait that is you can't shut them up even if you remove their Batteries... ???

If there is nothing to find, if it's just a Nothing Burger, you sit down and chill, smoke a bowl with Snoop and relax... If there is 1000 things to find, you FREAK the F Out like this guy... There is no difference between a Democrat and a Bush Party RINO... None...
Of course you won't elaborate on that. I'm not a huge Musk fan, but he and his team are impressive.
Impressive in what way? Slash and burn warfare is pretty blunt. Reminds me of the bishop during the crusades who is quoted as saying: "Kill them all. God will know his own." Do these wet-behind-the-ears 20-year olds have any business accessing IRS and other sensitive information? Are they looking for welfare fraud? There is talk of cutting MediCaid but that is going to impact children's healthcare broadly and seriously undermine children's hospitals' ability to function.
And people (regular commoners) have a problem with DOGE doing what DOGE is doing because???

The RATS have a problem with it because they are drowning as their Titanic is sinking, that's easy to figure out... But commoners?
My problem with it is Musk is totally unelected and unvetted let alone the hackers he's brought in. He has no oversight and totally lacks transparency. You think you know what he doing but your source is him, how trustworthy. According to the constitution Congress is solely responsible for spending. They create departments and fund them. The executive branch is only to execute those things passed by congress. So I believe he and Trump are subverting the US Constitution. He definitely did with his order to end the 14th amendment's citizenship clause. He swore to uphold the constitution and has tried to ignore it. How many millions are we going to waste on needless lawsuits to stop it? Trump thinks he's king but that's what project 2025 aims to do, consolidate power to circumvent congress and the courts. But of course he said he didn't know anything about that yet he placed many of the key players in it's creation in high level positions and is following the play book. Of course the SCOTUS gave him a free pass to break any law he wishes so he could care less.

I'm all for cutting cost and fraud, I'm sure there is plenty, just do it in the daylight not in secret. They should only be allowed to make recommendations since this is the executive branch. Congress should be the ones approving or rejecting them. Also one person's waste is another person's lifeline. This is not a unilateral system where the king decides, our forefathers came here to escape that.
So who is excited for the US to take over Gaza and the trillion $ bill that will go with rebuilding it? That will really help our standing in the region. What could go wrong it'll be huge the best ever. What a moron.
What's the guess on why the DOJ suddenly wants to drop the corruption charges against NYC mayor Eric Adams?
I was just reading a very long thread on one of my Lake Havasu forums regarding the Canadian "Snowbirds" who inundate that city during the winter months, in order to get the medical treatment they want/desire/deserve, because of the year long waits for necessary medical treatments in Canada. IMHO, Socialized Medicine does not work.
yes this can happen that canadians go south for medical treatment . you can wait months for an operation. My wife was a surgical coordinator and juggled appointment for surgery. However when some one had cancer or other really serious sickness they got moved to the front very fast. th The people that go south are very rich and can just pay cash to move to the front of the line.
if you ask any canadian which system they want a very large part will chose the canadian universal healthcare system .
I pray your Mom is better in the future. There is zero help for anybody in the Allopathic modality, though. To heal, people need to work with a Functional Medicine MD, someone that figured out endless Drugs only worsen everything.
Thanks for the prayers for Mom. Doc said her afib was good only short durations since last July. Only in afib 3% of the time. He "thinks" it's a low blood pressure issue, maybe. Reduce one medication, add another. Rinse and repeat. Sees him again in 4 weeks. She will never go to a functional medicine doc. I can't even her to see a different cardiologist.