Good Morning Fellow Fourmers...
Lots to read this morning... The way the world is changing, and I am dead against most of it... But who am I... Cannot change things, been down that road trying to make a difference... and got nowhere... But, that's another story...
But first... Woke up this morning thinking it was Monday, and Fisher was going home... But nope, it's Friday, and we have three more days to go... LoL...
So, Wednesday we went to Kingston, about an hour's drive from here to go to Costco... But first, we had to find a place for Fisher to have a leak, and possibly a dump. Well, we found the biggest dog park I have ever come across, which had to be about five acres... My biggest worry was ticks... But none of us had any... Not sure why not... be a perfect place for deer to do grazing, and the grass was pretty high, just past our ankles... Gas was also pretty expensive at $1.60 a litre... there are approx 3.5 litres in a gallon... So, yeah that was expensive...
Yesterday, slept in till 10... Stayed up to watch Florida sweep Carolina... and then got caught up on SWAT, and Chicago PD. So was up till about 2:00 am... Went to the dog park, then down to the St. Lawerence to see if any ships were going by. Then we ended up at the health store, wanted to go there for quite some time now. Picked up some Wheat Grass powder and some Chaga Tea...
Came home, had a late lunch, and then looked at a pine tree I want to take down, just recently sold my chainsaw, so looking to see if I can take most of the tree down with my saws-all... Going to attempt to do that today...
So, here we are now, popping in here drinking my first coffee, going to have some breakfast and heading to the gym... Haven't been for a couple of days and missing it BIG time...
I wonder that about people who are fat, which I think might be a majority of adults in North America. I know some people get injured and stuff so they can't exercise, and then have endocrinological problems on top of that, but I also know most fat people probably don't have that unique combination of factors.
Bad eating habits in a society of abundant food explains some of it. I think "missing something" or "carrying around deep inner pain" probably explains most of the rest of it. But honestly I don't know and am curious.
Well, I was one of those people who turned from in shape to fat and lazy after our car accident... Was either too much pain or depressed, and just sat around watching tv, or playing on the computer or cell phone, filled my face, and drank... Wasn't till about three years ago, I began to straighten out my life and got active again... It's not a hard cycle to fall into...
Yeah, which didn't exist until recently. Sure, we wanted to see the Girls, but didn't try to get into the locker room. Even if we were extremely perverted and tried, we would have gotten the tar beaten out of us by a Wrestling coach or something like that. Now, it's "Come on in, no problem here, when we are done exploiting the Girls, we can all go shop at Target"...
That kid in your scenario couldn't "switch" back and join the Football team, he would be turned into pulp... He would have to move far away.
Life skills have changed, and I think totally in the wrong way...The government has taken over way to much, and home isn't doing enough... and neither are schools. I find the government has tried or is taking over our lives way to much, at least here in Canada... (but that's another story which I am very involved in trying to fight the government who is trying so hard to turn us into a dictatorship... But again, that is a completely different story
I put a dresser with a broken drawer (needs reglued) out at the end of my driveway, and posted it for free 3 days ago. I had 1300 views, 124 saves, and I got around 20 messages...... and not 1 person picked the stupid thing up. So now, I either have to destroy it and put it in the dumpster that was delivered today or take it somewhere. Its only a 4 yard dumpster, I wasn't planning on putting this dumb thing in it.
WoW, stuff like that doesn't last... I put anything at the end of the laneway at this house, and it's gone... Can put out old screwdrivers, a box of nails a big fan, and gone instantly... It's great...
Ruby put our old used toilet on FB market for free…it was gone within hours.
That's the way it is supposed to be...
I think they should go back to teaching sex and stuff till at least grade 5... and let children decide what they are. I used to work for the school board system and was so surprised by how grade 5 kids dressed, they were looking like little whore's. The schools should have never let these kids in schools dress this way... But they did, and it is just got worse. What sex they are, they should be the sex they were born with, and when they get old enough to understand these things, not for the parents, or schools, or anyone to decide but the person who is wondering these things. I visited some of the people I used to work with over the years and was so surprised to see transgendered bathrooms... What the phuck... I am sure there were humans like this when I was in public school, and they went with the sex they were born with and discovered later in their lives.
For drag queens, I always thought it was entertainment, not for me, but lots of people support them. Even our lacking Prime Minister donated a pile of money to it, but as I said, that is a different story... Our Prime Minister is donating money everywhere except for the people of Canada. If we are all broke from the taxes he's charging us and we are broke, he can push us into dictatorship...
So, I am probably all over the place, so Ii will stop here... Sorry again for rambling on... Hope YOU all have a GREAT Friday...
Got to have breakfast and get my ass to the gym...