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No one suggested muzzling the enemy, just don't support it with a venue of opportunity. I have read testimonies of people who were abused at an early age and believed they were homosexuals but later escaped the perceived curse. Kids in grammar school are too young to ponder such decisions so nip it in the bud and don't give the drag story hour movement access to impressionable youngsters.
I've heard those kinds of testimonies as well. They were from people who were abused, as you said. Is being read to by a man in a dress a form of abuse, and if so, is it an abuse capable of producing those kinds of results?
Let's look at some facts. First up it's not some obscure occurrence on the other side of the country (wherever that might be). There's prolly a chapter nearby for those who wish to support, oppose or simply ignore.

Second, there are no alarmists, hucksters or check signers trying to agitate. Just concerned citizens who recognize a threat against the normal family unit. Titles like those just mentioned are used to try to make normal people appear to be the bad guys. Remember the 'birthers' who recognized and called out a cobbled up birth certificate.

Third, The readings do encourage kids to play the role of a queer. So is that trolling for potential queers or not? It's hard to believe a straight kid would want that part or for that matter even attend.
Let's look at some facts. First up it's not some obscure occurrence on the other side of the country (wherever that might be). There's prolly a chapter nearby for those who wish to support, oppose or simply ignore.

Second, there are no alarmists, hucksters or check signers trying to agitate. Just concerned citizens who recognize a threat against the normal family unit. Titles like those just mentioned are used to try to make normal people appear to be the bad guys. Remember the 'birthers' who recognized and called out a cobbled up birth certificate.

Third, The readings do encourage kids to play the role of a queer. So is that trolling for potential queers or not? It's hard to believe a straight kid would want that part or for that matter even attend.
First fact: sorta half right. I found the actual Drag Story Hour website and it lists 28 chapters in the US, with several states having more than one chapter. So while it's not just a NYC or San Francisco thing, it's not even as local as Ikea.

Second fact: if you change "recognize" to "imagine" then I think the description "concerned citizens" is accurate, but note that in this conversation drag queens have been called abusers, demonic, etc. (did "Satan worshiping" get invoked yet?) and now you are calling them a threat to the family unit, all without evidence. (Should divorced people be allowed to read to kids? They're not just a threat but have literally destroyed their family units!)

I don't feel any kinship with drag queens, but I also don't think it is a good idea to cloud my thinking by making up things about them and convincing myself that the things I've made up are sober perceptions. People who have clouded thinking and then, based on that clouded thinking, try to convince others that what they imagine is real, maybe it isn't fair to call them alarmists or hucksters, but they aren't the people I am going to listen to, and I will urge you not to listen to them either.

Third fact: What do you mean "play the role of a queer"? I imagine that if a kid wants to "play the role of a queer" anyway (whatever that means), then during drag story hour he'd be encouraged to, but if a kid didn't want to, I don't see any evidence he'd be pressured into doing so. I wouldn't want any of my kids pressured into doing queer things (whatever those are) because none of my kids are into doing queer things, but that doesn't seem to be what's happening at DSH.
First fact: sorta half right. I found the actual Drag Story Hour website and it lists 28 chapters in the US, with several states having more than one chapter. So while it's not just a NYC or San Francisco thing, it's not even as local as Ikea.

Second fact: if you change "recognize" to "imagine" then I think the description "concerned citizens" is accurate, but note that in this conversation drag queens have been called abusers, demonic, etc. (did "Satan worshiping" get invoked yet?) and now you are calling them a threat to the family unit, all without evidence. (Should divorced people be allowed to read to kids? They're not just a threat but have literally destroyed their family units!)

I don't feel any kinship with drag queens, but I also don't think it is a good idea to cloud my thinking by making up things about them and convincing myself that the things I've made up are sober perceptions. People who have clouded thinking and then, based on that clouded thinking, try to convince others that what they imagine is real, maybe it isn't fair to call them alarmists or hucksters, but they aren't the people I am going to listen to, and I will urge you not to listen to them either.

Third fact: What do you mean "play the role of a queer"? I imagine that if a kid wants to "play the role of a queer" anyway (whatever that means), then during drag story hour he'd be encouraged to, but if a kid didn't want to, I don't see any evidence he'd be pressured into doing so. I wouldn't want any of my kids pressured into doing queer things (whatever those are) because none of my kids are into doing queer things, but that doesn't seem to be what's happening at DSH.
I can see that you are pretty well committed to this. I read many pages of agenda and find problems in every paragraph of every page so it would take an inordinate amount of time to debate or even express my dismay at such content. So I guess I just fail to understand what makes you tick and will let it go at that. On the plus side I am loaded for bear if I ever have to face it on the local level.
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As a side not, when I was going up, in MINOT & WILLISTON, NDAK, in the 40's and 50's, thur. was queers day, denoted by, wearing green socks, so, after a while, green socks, became a jocular fashion, and imagination and embellishments ensued.

After joining the military, did homosexuality raise it's ugly head, and I could only remember a single individual, from my past, who may have been suspect.
I can see that you are pretty well committed to this.
My BS sniffer functions pretty well regardless who the BS is about. I don't have any particular affinity for drag queens and in fact this is the first time in my life I've had any kind of extended discussion about them. I'll admit it's been a slow week and I've been in a combative mood :p

I read many pages of agenda and find problems in every paragraph of every page so it would take an inordinate amount of time to debate or even express my dismay at such content.
Don't get me wrong, I think most of what was on that DSH website was silly nonsense, so you wouldn't have to convince me if that's what you saw there too--I just did not see anything menacing or dangerous in it either.

I am concerned about my kids learning the skills that will allow them to be productive citizens, have lasting relationships, and appreciate the full richness of life. I am not worried that a man in a dress, by reading to them, could traumatize them or pressure them into being gay or whatever.

So I guess I just fail to understand what makes you tick and will let it go at that.
I take that as a compliment! But it's also somewhat dismaying, as I thought I explained myself clearly. Oh well.
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Good Morning Fellow Fourmers...
Lots to read this morning... The way the world is changing, and I am dead against most of it... But who am I... Cannot change things, been down that road trying to make a difference... and got nowhere... But, that's another story...

But first... Woke up this morning thinking it was Monday, and Fisher was going home... But nope, it's Friday, and we have three more days to go... LoL...

So, Wednesday we went to Kingston, about an hour's drive from here to go to Costco... But first, we had to find a place for Fisher to have a leak, and possibly a dump. Well, we found the biggest dog park I have ever come across, which had to be about five acres... My biggest worry was ticks... But none of us had any... Not sure why not... be a perfect place for deer to do grazing, and the grass was pretty high, just past our ankles... Gas was also pretty expensive at $1.60 a litre... there are approx 3.5 litres in a gallon... So, yeah that was expensive...

Yesterday, slept in till 10... Stayed up to watch Florida sweep Carolina... and then got caught up on SWAT, and Chicago PD. So was up till about 2:00 am... Went to the dog park, then down to the St. Lawerence to see if any ships were going by. Then we ended up at the health store, wanted to go there for quite some time now. Picked up some Wheat Grass powder and some Chaga Tea...

Came home, had a late lunch, and then looked at a pine tree I want to take down, just recently sold my chainsaw, so looking to see if I can take most of the tree down with my saws-all... Going to attempt to do that today...

So, here we are now, popping in here drinking my first coffee, going to have some breakfast and heading to the gym... Haven't been for a couple of days and missing it BIG time...


I wonder that about people who are fat, which I think might be a majority of adults in North America. I know some people get injured and stuff so they can't exercise, and then have endocrinological problems on top of that, but I also know most fat people probably don't have that unique combination of factors.

Bad eating habits in a society of abundant food explains some of it. I think "missing something" or "carrying around deep inner pain" probably explains most of the rest of it. But honestly I don't know and am curious.
Well, I was one of those people who turned from in shape to fat and lazy after our car accident... Was either too much pain or depressed, and just sat around watching tv, or playing on the computer or cell phone, filled my face, and drank... Wasn't till about three years ago, I began to straighten out my life and got active again... It's not a hard cycle to fall into...
Yeah, which didn't exist until recently. Sure, we wanted to see the Girls, but didn't try to get into the locker room. Even if we were extremely perverted and tried, we would have gotten the tar beaten out of us by a Wrestling coach or something like that. Now, it's "Come on in, no problem here, when we are done exploiting the Girls, we can all go shop at Target"...

That kid in your scenario couldn't "switch" back and join the Football team, he would be turned into pulp... He would have to move far away.
Life skills have changed, and I think totally in the wrong way...The government has taken over way to much, and home isn't doing enough... and neither are schools. I find the government has tried or is taking over our lives way to much, at least here in Canada... (but that's another story which I am very involved in trying to fight the government who is trying so hard to turn us into a dictatorship... But again, that is a completely different story
I put a dresser with a broken drawer (needs reglued) out at the end of my driveway, and posted it for free 3 days ago. I had 1300 views, 124 saves, and I got around 20 messages...... and not 1 person picked the stupid thing up. So now, I either have to destroy it and put it in the dumpster that was delivered today or take it somewhere. Its only a 4 yard dumpster, I wasn't planning on putting this dumb thing in it.
WoW, stuff like that doesn't last... I put anything at the end of the laneway at this house, and it's gone... Can put out old screwdrivers, a box of nails a big fan, and gone instantly... It's great...
Ruby put our old used toilet on FB market for free…it was gone within hours.
That's the way it is supposed to be...

I think they should go back to teaching sex and stuff till at least grade 5... and let children decide what they are. I used to work for the school board system and was so surprised by how grade 5 kids dressed, they were looking like little whore's. The schools should have never let these kids in schools dress this way... But they did, and it is just got worse. What sex they are, they should be the sex they were born with, and when they get old enough to understand these things, not for the parents, or schools, or anyone to decide but the person who is wondering these things. I visited some of the people I used to work with over the years and was so surprised to see transgendered bathrooms... What the phuck... I am sure there were humans like this when I was in public school, and they went with the sex they were born with and discovered later in their lives.

For drag queens, I always thought it was entertainment, not for me, but lots of people support them. Even our lacking Prime Minister donated a pile of money to it, but as I said, that is a different story... Our Prime Minister is donating money everywhere except for the people of Canada. If we are all broke from the taxes he's charging us and we are broke, he can push us into dictatorship...

So, I am probably all over the place, so Ii will stop here... Sorry again for rambling on... Hope YOU all have a GREAT Friday...

Got to have breakfast and get my ass to the gym...
Let's look at some facts. First up it's not some obscure occurrence on the other side of the country (wherever that might be). There's prolly a chapter nearby for those who wish to support, oppose or simply ignore.

Second, there are no alarmists, hucksters or check signers trying to agitate. Just concerned citizens who recognize a threat against the normal family unit. Titles like those just mentioned are used to try to make normal people appear to be the bad guys. Remember the 'birthers' who recognized and called out a cobbled up birth certificate.

Third, The readings do encourage kids to play the role of a queer. So is that trolling for potential queers or not? It's hard to believe a straight kid would want that part or for that matter even attend.
Yep... And the third part is EXACTLY why they do their Demonic presentation to little kids... They aren't going to High Schools where they would get their A kicked...
Ruby put our old used toilet on FB market for free…it was gone within hours.
WOW... A toilet that has seen different butts... I can't do that. When I bought my house, first reno was removing both toilets and contacting the previous owner, who came and got them. I have the guest bathroom that has seen a bunch of butts, although my toilet has only seen my butt and a couple more butts, but no strangers butts.
I have an air fryer quandary. The instructions say to unplug it after each use but the three prong plug puts too much strain on the outlet to pull and/or wiggle it out after each use. I would just leave it plugged in (as I do the coffee maker) but the cord is too short. At present I haven't determined where I will store it plus I am using it almost every day. I may just get one of those cord adapters for ease of unplugging in the near term or maybe a short extension cord of proper AWG.
Flea / Tick / Mosquito spray recipe from Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

1/2 cup (120ml) Non alcoholic Witch Hazel Extract
1/4 cup (60ml) Liquid Coconut Oil
3 droppers (3ml) Neem Oil
10 drops (.5ml) Cedarwood Essential Oil
10 drops (.5ml) Lavender Essential Oil

Specifics about the spray ingredients

Witch Hazel is non alcoholic, therefore safe to lick and soothing to the skin- a great skin anti inflammatory

Coconut Oil is a proven Natural repellent, and very safe for our pets

The Neem oil is the most studied and effective natural insect repellent- and diluted to less than 2% so safe for our pets

Cedarwood oil is also a studied and proven repellent, and diluted to less than 1% so safe for topical application to our dogs and cats

Lavender has antihistamine qualities, and diluted to less than 1% so safe topically


Lightly mist your pets, avoid face/eyes/mouth

Use a flea comb to spread it through

For dogs you can safely spray 3 times/week

For cats safely spray once/week
I may just get one of those cord adapters for ease of unplugging in the near term or maybe a short extension cord of proper AWG.
I'd get a short power strip with a switch on it. (Do they make them in 3-foot and shorter lengths?) Leave it plugged in, just switch it on when needed and off when not.
I wish there were a flat European style connector for 3 wire 125V use. In my mind I can visualize a power strip with a removable flat connector cord. Counter-top appliances had removable cords with flat connectors prior to grounding requirements though the connectors were kinda chintzy.

What I have in mind for my mobile island would be an under counter power strip that could be connected only when needed but w/o the dangling cord problem. I considered a wire-in power strip with no cord and use of a male-to-male adapter for connection but that would present a hazard for those coming after me. But just maybe they wouldn't get it and just look at the strip in bewilderment.
I'm not going to get into an argument on the drag queen thing. I think if people want to dress up like that then good for them. I don't care. I know there are straight men who enjoy dressing up in drag and performing. We've had drag on TV for comedy skits for decades. Apparently there are female drag queens who like to dress up in the over the top costumes as well. Not really my scene though. I'm not a big fan of women's clothes and I despise makeup.

The heat really got to me. I can't remember m last update but I got the PVC trim primed with 2 coats. Got a coat of the paint on them but the roller covers I got are absolute garbage and left a horrible texture so I will have to sand and get smoother roller covers to see if I get better results on the 2nd coat.

The heat has really been getting to me the last few days so I've been exhausted. I did manage to do some cleaning and haul stuff around though. The kitchen trash bag was so heavy that I had to get my brother to help me lift it out of the can and once he set it down and walked off I couldn't lift it and had to drag it out to the trash pile.

I got a better sanding thingy for the dremel and worked on the botched repair job on the tub. Also took down some bumps in the mortar on the walls. I tested out two more colors of the repair thing and found that sort of mixing the dark and light ceramic got closer to the tub color. It still needs to be sanded & smoothed out better, but it's less obvious now that the color is closer. Having a hard time getting it to cure though. Will need to go back later to mess with it.

I was beaten to the suggestion of a power strip with a switch. I recommend one that is waterproof (they actually sell those).

When you say you want a flat cord, do you mean so it can fit under things more easily? Amazon might have something like that.

I leave my air fryer plugged in. Although, it errored out the other day & my brother had a bit of a fit over it. I asked if he unplugged it and tried a different port. He claimed he did, but he never unplugged it. I unplugged it, cleaned it out, & let it sit for a few hours before plugging it in to a different port & it worked.

If things go well, my friend *might* be able to help me with my bathroom on Sunday or Monday.

Sadly, my corner grab bar won't fit because the side wall panel has a wrap around part that has just enough of a curve to the corner that the corner grab bar can't go in. I could get a Moen one that has a curved back but they are pricey. I'll have to use the corner grab bar somewhere else. I'm thinking either near my toilet so when I bend down to clean the toilet I can hold on to something and have a shelf for storage. Or maybe in the laundry room so when I bend down to clean the lint bin I will have something to grab. I could also put it above the surround, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having a grab bar. The bath mat I got for inside the tub makes it a lot easier to not slip at least.

I'm thinking if I get a wall mount shampoo dispenser (I'm thinking 2 compartments-- one for shampoo+conditioner & another for body wash) but I don't want my brother knocking it down so I want to put it above the surround and use screws to attach it rather than sticky tape or suction cups. I'll have to find or buy a little caddy for the ton of shower stuff my brother uses because he will be using the shower too and he's got more stuff than I do.

I had something else I wanted to say but I can't remember now. LOL.

Editing to add: About people getting fat: Sometimes it is metabolic. Generally after a certain age our metabolisms change and we start to gain more weight. The same diet and exercise as before doesn't work. It doesn't happen to everyone though. Apparently the bacteria in our intestines affect our weight as well. The have something called a fecal transplant where they take bacteria from a healthy person's intestines and transplant into the intestines of someone with digestive problems. They did that to a woman with some sort of issue Crohns or I forget what. She was super skinny and could barely eat. After the transplant she gained weight and was eating well and feeling better. They also found that taking bacteria from a healthy slim person and putting it in someone who was overweight allowed the overweight person to process food better and lose weight. There are so many factors that affect weight though. Injury/aging & less ability to exercise, metablolism (as mentioned before), endocrineal (which I know was mentioned by someone else), diet, & insulin resistance (or lake thereof). Insulin resistance can lead to weight gain even when eating well and exercising. I got the trifecta of metabolic change, injury that restricted my mobility, hypothyroidism, and then throw in the bonus of insulin resistance. Although, another factor can be depression. I put on more weight while extremely depressed after my father's death, but I'd already started putting the weight after the severe ankle injury that stopped me from being able to walk properly for 2 years.
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Good Morning...
First, Happy Memorial Day to all South of me in the States, Hope YOU all have a wonderful long weekend...

Not a lot to report... Got the plants in the garden...Got to the gym, and felt so much better when we got out of there. Sec, be right back, gotta move the sprinkler...Sorry bout that... Ok, back to yesterday...
Went to the dog park... Came home, and did some things outside, but didn't get around to installing the new light at the front door outside. Took Lorie out for a steak dinner at our favourite restaurant. After dinner, we went to the DQ, got a Peanut Butter Buster Parfait for Lorie, and a small cone for myself, and went down to the park, and watched the boats for an hour. And here we are... Saturday morning...

Planning to hit the Farmers Market to get some gluten-free treats and a bottle of moonshine that is between a good scotch and tequila... and then hit a few garage sales. Then home, and I want to put some episome salts on my tomato plants, and the Blue Spruce I planted in memory of my Mom... Then hopefully get that light installed, and then get ready for the hockey game tonight...

So Folks, hope YOU all have a GREAT day... and again Happy Memorial Day... Have a GREAT long weekend...
