Have talked briefly about it, but decided to create a separate thread...
I think that most people, probably > 90% don't think about Near Death Experiences (NDE) or Reincarnation, with around 10% either being completely on board like me or being completely dismissive... While I haven't had an NDE, they are Scientifically proven to exist, both on this plane and in the afterlife. The same goes for the Scientific validity of Reincarnation.
I have read probably 1200 or so NDE reports as well as watched Hundreds of videos, and I believe basically all the written ones because they are anonymous and people don't get paid for them. I guess somebody could be THAT BORED to make one up, but I don't see it happening. There is one famous case where a Dad influenced his Son to make up a story and a book was written, with the Boy later recanting it, but that's the only case I have heard like that.
As far as Videos, the people get their 15 minutes of fame and although otherwise anonymous, it's usually easy to tell fakes because of their Body Language and how they describe their Deaths and the events surrounding them. There is some blatant fakes, but I believe most. They also aren't paid, unless they have a Million subscribers on Youtube or whatever.
My favorite written example of an NDE is a Man that was on the operating table under Anesthesia for Surgery when he rose out of his body and "traveled" through the Hospital. It's said you can go anywhere you want outside of the Body... If you think about the Pyramids, you are in Giza. If you think about the Colosseum, you are in Rome. Like flipping a Light Switch. This guy decided to go to his Surgeon's House, traveled through it and then back to his Body.
Keep in mind, you can't have Dreams under Anesthesia. There is no Brain activity. He wakes up after the successful surgery, sees his family etc., then the Surgeon comes in and gives him the lowdown etc., and the guy tells the Surgeon he was outside his body, which the Surgeon said was a Dream or Hallucination... Then the guy tells the Surgeon exactly what the inside of his House looks like. Even with Brain activity, you can't dream that up.
Ok, if that proves "Out of Body", it doesn't prove "Afterlife"... My favorite stories about that are Little Kids that die and come back to report things to their Parents, like a Sibling that died before they were born... "Mom, I met Lisa"... Lisa died 5 years before he was born, and being only 4, his parents haven't told him about Lisa yet. They are waiting until he gets older and understands more. Kids that young can't follow a script, so that's why researchers focus on them instead of Teenagers, who are Picassos in the Art of trying to Lie.
Lots of people meet Jesus or whatever Deity they believe in, even though there is only One. Atheists meet Jesus, and come back no longer Atheists. I have never read or watched an experience where an Atheist didn't drop that, and never read or watched one that included any other God or Deity. My favorite story about an Atheist is he was visiting family that was in the Afterlife and then Jesus appeared, only he was wearing a Suit and carrying a Briefcase... The guy asked him why, and Jesus said "If I were wearing Robes, you wouldn't believe it"...
"You'll go to Hell if you don't believe"... I have seen zero evidence of that. People generally have the same exact response that they would have if they saw Santa Claus... "You really do exist"... That said, of course there is no reports of Serial Killers or Hitler types coming back saying "Jesus loves me", so their Souls probably have a much different destination. People that actively worship Satan get their wish.
Then there is Reincarnation. People that have NDE's say we Reincarnate Dozens if not Hundreds of times. That goes along with Eastern Philosophy like Buddhist and Hindu Religions, but the same people say there is no Religion. It's all made up by Man. Thousands of Kids have described Past Lives to a T when they couldn't possibly have any clue about the person that lived that life unless they were them.
My favorite example of that is a Kid that is barely able to talk being changed by his Dad when he says "When I was your Age, I changed you"... The Dad says "That's cool" etc., but the Mom is more open to the idea and breaks out an old Photo Album, flips through it and the Kid points at a picture of his Grandpa, saying "That's Me"!!! and then continues and points at Grandpa's Car... "That's my Car"!!!
Another one is a Kid that said he was in Hollywood during the Silent Film era, named the Actor he was and the exact address where he lived, his Wife's name etc... From Hundreds of miles away. The Family traveled to Hollywood and verified everything 100%... That was Video, with the Kid now a Teenager and putting his previous life on the back burner to live this one.
Then there is people that believe in nothing, like we cease to exist after Death... That violates the rule that everything is Energy. If we weren't Energy, then Lightning strikes wouldn't harm us, since a Lightning strike hitting nothing = nothing happening. Being that we are Energy like everything else in the Universe, there is the rule that Energy cannot be created or destroyed (except by the Creator). We live forever, which is why I know this Life is just a stepping stone. Death means nothing to me, although I would like to wait about 50 Years to start over. I don't miss being in Diapers, although I don't remember it and look forward to it in this Life, where whatever happens whenever it happens is just fine with me!
It's really fascinating if you have an open mind, and it's Scientifically proven, unlike UFO's... Some people say we Reincarnate on different Planets, and that Earth is the toughest Life, but I'm not that far down the Wormhole.
I think that most people, probably > 90% don't think about Near Death Experiences (NDE) or Reincarnation, with around 10% either being completely on board like me or being completely dismissive... While I haven't had an NDE, they are Scientifically proven to exist, both on this plane and in the afterlife. The same goes for the Scientific validity of Reincarnation.
I have read probably 1200 or so NDE reports as well as watched Hundreds of videos, and I believe basically all the written ones because they are anonymous and people don't get paid for them. I guess somebody could be THAT BORED to make one up, but I don't see it happening. There is one famous case where a Dad influenced his Son to make up a story and a book was written, with the Boy later recanting it, but that's the only case I have heard like that.
As far as Videos, the people get their 15 minutes of fame and although otherwise anonymous, it's usually easy to tell fakes because of their Body Language and how they describe their Deaths and the events surrounding them. There is some blatant fakes, but I believe most. They also aren't paid, unless they have a Million subscribers on Youtube or whatever.
My favorite written example of an NDE is a Man that was on the operating table under Anesthesia for Surgery when he rose out of his body and "traveled" through the Hospital. It's said you can go anywhere you want outside of the Body... If you think about the Pyramids, you are in Giza. If you think about the Colosseum, you are in Rome. Like flipping a Light Switch. This guy decided to go to his Surgeon's House, traveled through it and then back to his Body.
Keep in mind, you can't have Dreams under Anesthesia. There is no Brain activity. He wakes up after the successful surgery, sees his family etc., then the Surgeon comes in and gives him the lowdown etc., and the guy tells the Surgeon he was outside his body, which the Surgeon said was a Dream or Hallucination... Then the guy tells the Surgeon exactly what the inside of his House looks like. Even with Brain activity, you can't dream that up.
Ok, if that proves "Out of Body", it doesn't prove "Afterlife"... My favorite stories about that are Little Kids that die and come back to report things to their Parents, like a Sibling that died before they were born... "Mom, I met Lisa"... Lisa died 5 years before he was born, and being only 4, his parents haven't told him about Lisa yet. They are waiting until he gets older and understands more. Kids that young can't follow a script, so that's why researchers focus on them instead of Teenagers, who are Picassos in the Art of trying to Lie.
Lots of people meet Jesus or whatever Deity they believe in, even though there is only One. Atheists meet Jesus, and come back no longer Atheists. I have never read or watched an experience where an Atheist didn't drop that, and never read or watched one that included any other God or Deity. My favorite story about an Atheist is he was visiting family that was in the Afterlife and then Jesus appeared, only he was wearing a Suit and carrying a Briefcase... The guy asked him why, and Jesus said "If I were wearing Robes, you wouldn't believe it"...
"You'll go to Hell if you don't believe"... I have seen zero evidence of that. People generally have the same exact response that they would have if they saw Santa Claus... "You really do exist"... That said, of course there is no reports of Serial Killers or Hitler types coming back saying "Jesus loves me", so their Souls probably have a much different destination. People that actively worship Satan get their wish.
Then there is Reincarnation. People that have NDE's say we Reincarnate Dozens if not Hundreds of times. That goes along with Eastern Philosophy like Buddhist and Hindu Religions, but the same people say there is no Religion. It's all made up by Man. Thousands of Kids have described Past Lives to a T when they couldn't possibly have any clue about the person that lived that life unless they were them.
My favorite example of that is a Kid that is barely able to talk being changed by his Dad when he says "When I was your Age, I changed you"... The Dad says "That's cool" etc., but the Mom is more open to the idea and breaks out an old Photo Album, flips through it and the Kid points at a picture of his Grandpa, saying "That's Me"!!! and then continues and points at Grandpa's Car... "That's my Car"!!!
Another one is a Kid that said he was in Hollywood during the Silent Film era, named the Actor he was and the exact address where he lived, his Wife's name etc... From Hundreds of miles away. The Family traveled to Hollywood and verified everything 100%... That was Video, with the Kid now a Teenager and putting his previous life on the back burner to live this one.
Then there is people that believe in nothing, like we cease to exist after Death... That violates the rule that everything is Energy. If we weren't Energy, then Lightning strikes wouldn't harm us, since a Lightning strike hitting nothing = nothing happening. Being that we are Energy like everything else in the Universe, there is the rule that Energy cannot be created or destroyed (except by the Creator). We live forever, which is why I know this Life is just a stepping stone. Death means nothing to me, although I would like to wait about 50 Years to start over. I don't miss being in Diapers, although I don't remember it and look forward to it in this Life, where whatever happens whenever it happens is just fine with me!
It's really fascinating if you have an open mind, and it's Scientifically proven, unlike UFO's... Some people say we Reincarnate on different Planets, and that Earth is the toughest Life, but I'm not that far down the Wormhole.