Broken Skil 3688 bandsaw lower guide

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Dec 28, 2008
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This broke today. It's cast aluminum and I can't find one anywhere in the states. Is there a way to reconnect these 2 pieces so I can use my bandsaw again?

Hi Breckrider,

Maybe an epoxy such as JB Weld will work. I have had excellent results with JB Weld original on aluminum- including a hole in the transfer case on my work truck. (JB Hint- A technician at JB Weld told me to never use alcohol to clean parts before using their product.)

Also check on and on one of their discussion forums. Include the brand and model of the tool. Someone there might either have a source for replicated parts or a good idea how to repair it- or even have one to sell.

A member gave me a cast aluminum part for my 1930 bandsaw that he had laying about. Another gave me a few parts for my 1950's horizontal bandsaw. I've also purchased various parts for my 1922 South Bend 13" toolroom lathe from members.
Nice people there!

If all else fails, perhaps you can have one 3D printed with a durable material, then move your roller to the new one.

Best of Luck!
I went the JB Weld route. I cut a small piece of metal to support the back and put Weld on the joint and back. I think this will work since there's no significant pressure on it while in use. Needs a little cleanup. I'm going to test it today.

I've installed the piece back on the bandsaw and it's working fine. I did some rip cuts from 2 different 8" pieced of firewood and some 2xs and it worked fine.
That's not going to hold.
Only real option is to make a new bracket.