Friend is planning a shed in the backyard for his wife's sewing workshop. He really liked the plans for a 12'x24' shed I linked and we were talking about modifications and such. I found a good site with some free blueprints. Right now we are discussing truss design. I like this style from Menards (but we don't have one near us)

I do like these gusset plates though.

Thinking of going with a 4:12 pitch (8ft walls with 10ft peak). I was hoping to find prefab gusset plates or even prefab trusses, but the Menards one was the only one I saw thus far. Still looking though. I like the horizontal brace at the bottom and that the rafter tails don't have to be notched.
This was the inspiration shed:

But friend wants the door on the opposite wall of the double doors. And there would be fewer windows. Maybe only one. He wants to have a window AC but eventually would like to get a MrCool Minisplit.
I suggested putting in a small sink to rinse of glue, refill steamer iron, and to have cool water for first aid.
Lulu (nickname for the wife-- who I also consider a friend so I should stop calling her my friend's wife) and my friend liked this sink: 
and this faucet (which is what they have in their kitchen):

I want that same sink in white for washing out filthy stuff outside.
Lulu wants a deep sink to dye fabric in. And that one is 14" deep (according to customer answers).
Subfloor would be 23/32 tongue & groove OSB (close to 3/4") over 16" on center studs. Layout would be this:

Wall with door would be like this but door would be to the left and the walls would have 8ft studs. I think 3" would be added for top and bottom plates so it would be 99" high or so. That would add 3" to the 10ft peak as well I think since I want to maintain slope. Has good plans but I want to modify them. The walls and trusses can stay at 24" on center but the floor would be 16" on center. Would use posts and camo blocks for support so it is easier to level and doesn't have the issues with permits (only $33 for a permit to have it on blocks). Camo blocks are only slightly more expensive than concrete blocks, are lower profile, and hold more weight. I'm currently trying to figure out the spacing for them and hardware needed to attach things. I could go with the 4x4s on the inside and the frame of the floor tacked to the outside or have the frame directly on top (making it higher off the ground). Simpson makes brackets but its for doubled up joists.
For the small door, we plan to have a simple 36" exterior inswing door with a security door that has a screen. The inswing door can be painted to look however Lulu wants. So, something like this:
And a metal security door like this maybe: