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Feb 23, 2020
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If you don't like Political talk, there's no need to visit this thread. It should be only for those that do like talking about politics...
First off... 2 Days and a wakeup until the Disastrous regime is finished. There's a good possibility it's the END of the "Democrat" Party thanks to their incompetence in the CA Fires, which ticked off the wrong people, the celebrities that have a large following. We will see.

I put "Democrat" in quotes because they are the opposite of Democracy, even though we have never been a Democracy and have always been a Constitutional Republic.

One example of MANY that this last 4 years was an Autocracy is that Biden "added" and "ratified" an Amendment to the Constitution, the "Equal Rights Act", backed by Low IQ Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. It has been talked about before and not finalized, so there is no way any President can just snap their fingers and make it happen. Besides that, the Chowderheads can't figure out that everybody born here has the same exact rights.

Most of the J6 Political prisoners will be released, most of which are on video peacefully assembling in the Capitol, which is our right, but not under a Totalitarian Fascist regime. It's been proven there were a lot of undercover Feds in attendance, and it's going to really be blown out of the water soon when everything is made public... They pushed "Insurrection" by Trump for 4 Years and that has been shot down...

I don't like Trump's pick of Scott Bessent to lead the Treasury. No pundits on the Right will talk bad about him, I suspect because he's Gay and they are afraid to... Well, he's also the Co-Conspirator with George Soros in bringing down the Bank Of England, and a 15 Year employee of Soros... Ol' Georgie the Sociopath is probably stuck in Hell now, I hope he enjoys it. His Son is just as Evil though.
Here is Montana's brand new Senator Sheehy on the Shawn Ryan show... Posted here because although it all comes back to politics like Ron said, this entire interview is mostly about Firefighting, lots of stuff I know from my limited experience, some stuff I didn't know.

President Trump pardons people that prayed at Abortion clinics..

And, as a contrast, Obama / Biden pardons Murderers... Lots of regular killers and the Serial Killer Fauci, who makes Hitler look like a Boy Scout... Other Democrats have released 42 Cop Killers since 2017 in NYC ALONE...

Why the contrast? Why were people praying against Abortion locked away for 2 years, while Rapists and Murderers don't do any time or very little time? Because lots of Democrats are Demons from Hell, that's why.
I put "Democrat" in quotes because they are the opposite of Democracy, even though we have never been a Democracy and have always been a Constitutional Republic
👆 T.H.I.S.

This will probably be the only thing I ever say about politics.
I am politically incompetent. Admittedly so...
Yet somehow even i know that we live in a Constitutional Republic.
How on earth do people vote over and over and over and be unaware of this FACT?
I just don't understand that.
Boy, that would be nice, but it would never happen. I would like to see term limits on our politicians, but again, the old goats would never vote themselves out of a job.
My friend's son & daughter had a conversation with him today:

Son: "Dad, you're getting older and it is time that we had a difficult, but serious talk about your future."
Daughter: "Dad, we love you, but you just can't think as well as you used to."
Son: "We think your reasoning powers are fading quickly, often creating dangerous situations."
Son: "We've decided that it is time to make a change and hope you still love us after hearing this hard news."

Father: "Gonna put me in a home?"

Daughter: "Nope. Gonna run you for congress."
They gotta have mandatory retirement at 75 unless the person can pass cognition / speaking tests... The Donald would pass easily of course, Biden would have failed in the extreme category, McConnell had 2 strokes or something like that while speaking, and he's still there... Feinstein was wheeled in where she voted and then said she was there the whole time despite being gone for weeks before she died, Pelosi is headed down that same road with her Broken hip...

They want to hold onto power, which I don't understand... If I was elected to Congress at 40 and was Evil, I would take as much lobbyist cash as possible, vote however they told me to, get rich as I could, Have a couple of Chinese Hookers as my aides, then take off my tie, flip 2 Birds to DC and the American people, retire at 55 or earlier, and go Fishing for the rest of my life... They wouldn't be able to find me to indict me because I would change my name and appearance along with my entire family, and I would cut off everybody else because I was just using them anyway because I'm Evil.

Bob Menendez missed his chance.
They gotta have mandatory retirement at 75 unless the person can pass cognition / speaking tests... The Donald would pass easily of course, Biden would have failed in the extreme category, McConnell had 2 strokes or something like that while speaking, and he's still there... Feinstein was wheeled in where she voted and then said she was there the whole time despite being gone for weeks before she died, Pelosi is headed down that same road with her Broken hip...

They want to hold onto power, which I don't understand... If I was elected to Congress at 40 and was Evil, I would take as much lobbyist cash as possible, vote however they told me to, get rich as I could, Have a couple of Chinese Hookers as my aides, then take off my tie, flip 2 Birds to DC and the American people, retire at 55 or earlier, and go Fishing for the rest of my life... They wouldn't be able to find me to indict me because I would change my name and appearance along with my entire family, and I would cut off everybody else because I was just using them anyway because I'm Evil.

Bob Menendez missed his chance.
What a plan. When are you running? Lol
HAHAHA... I couldn't. I would tell them how the average American feels about Congress to their faces, which is 2 fingers, so I would be pretty much instantly kicked out of the "cool kids" group, and I wouldn't get any support from the Republican base.

Besides, I would have to call myself a "Republican" for the first time ever, and that would be slimy and creepy as it gets... You can't win as an Independent, but you can switch to that later.
I am canadian , i thought we were friends , did we not fight together at many wars? did canada not have your back in iran when we took in american fleeing the iranian guard? , did we not house all those planes at 911 when airplanes were banned from flying ? What did we do to piss you off that you put 25% tariffs on us ? you put 10% on china but 25 % on us. You say it is to stop fentanyl however just 1% comes from canada , the total amount seized was 20 kilograms which is 44lbs. You say it is to stop all the illegal immigrants coming in from canada . last year 1550 illegals came in from canada. since last year canada has hired black hawk helicopter to patrol the border and many more guards to stop illegal immigration into the states. So please tell me why this 25% tarifs why
I am canadian , i thought we were friends , did we not fight together at many wars? did canada not have your back in iran when we took in american fleeing the iranian guard? , did we not house all those planes at 911 when airplanes were banned from flying ? What did we do to piss you off that you put 25% tariffs on us ? you put 10% on china but 25 % on us. You say it is to stop fentanyl however just 1% comes from canada , the total amount seized was 20 kilograms which is 44lbs. You say it is to stop all the illegal immigrants coming in from canada . last year 1550 illegals came in from canada. since last year canada has hired black hawk helicopter to patrol the border and many more guards to stop illegal immigration into the states. So please tell me why this 25% tarifs why
There is Thousands upon Thousands of Illegals that fly to Canada and head South. Not as many as from Mexico, but it's much more than 1550. The point of the Tariffs is that Trudeau has never done anything about it.

I don't know who replaces him, but if they actively help the US, then the Tariffs go away.
Seems this is going to be a bumpy ride in the next 4 years. If gas was lowered to $2 a gallon instead of our $4.59 a gallon, I probably wouldn't care.
Give it time. It will all be straighten out soon.