Roku wants to charge me $1.99 per episode on Apple or Prime, so I guess I'm just out of luck!
The local DA doesn't crack down on Pawn Shops selling stolen loot?
I noticed the pawn show is on a network called "Quest". Here it's an over-the-air channel.
The police, the DA, the anybody doesn't care about stolen stuff being sold in pawn shops or flea markets. Pursuing that would involve work on their parts. Any work is shunned. It was like that way back in the 70's and 80's when I was on the police department.
About a year ago, a friend had her free youth center, that she built and ran with her savings & retirement money, fire bombed because someone hired a torch in order to gain the property for another blind pig. The bad guy is on tape yanking down the armor guard with a truck and throwing 6 cocktails in the building. Everyone in the neighborhood knows him. He's a pro arsonist. Everyone knows the guy who hired him.
Any action by law enforcement? Nope. Not a bit. I saw the bad guy and the person who hired him not a week ago free as a bird. To arrest and prosecute him would involve work. Sadly, it broke the woman's heart and she died. She did so much for the kids in the community and now they lose out.
For tools, usually there isn't too much of an argument about getting your stuff back at pawn shops. Flea markets are grab-and-go. I've done and just tell the person that I'm taking my stuff back. They don't argue. Bullets fly easily & no one wants to get shot over used tools.
Not too long ago I left a building just in time to see two guys pulling spools of power cables out of the bed of my truck while the security guard who was supposed to be watching was ignoring them. They walked across the highway with the spools over their shoulders and straight into a pawn shop. I finished bringing what was left of the cables into the building and went to the pawn shop. No argument and the guy had 2 of his people carry the stuff back to the project site.
Years ago when I was on the police department my car got looted while parked in front of the neighborhood produce store that I was shopping in. Two doors down was a used merchandise store.
I saw my radio, my dashboard, my instrument cluster and my spare tire at the counter. While retrieving them, the owner pulled a gun on me. What a surprise he got when I badged him. "Oh I'm sorry sir." "This never happens here, sir" "They had receipts sir." Blah, blah, blah. I even got my neighbor's kid's bike back.
I was like a pit bull on the head of the retail squad at work until finally the store got shut down. It was loaded with serialized merchandise on the stolen stuff list. Just loaded. Prosecution? Yeah, sure...
Life in the city, I guess.