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Gymnastics is in the same category of boring as Ballet and Opera.

It's a Flat Wall
Well, me, being kind of heart, and concerned for your over winter athletisism, thought that a convex unit, allowing you to just swivel your foredastle, affording you, "before your wondering eyes to appear," would preclude you, from the necessity of affixing your reclaimed patio lounge recliner atop of some seruptiously lubricated, wheeled, long boards, as well as the 2 pulleys and hemp lanyerd you employ, in wisking you from side to side, for closeup viewing experiences.
Well, me, being kind of heart, and concerned for your over winter athletisism, thought that a convex unit, allowing you to just swivel your foredastle, affording you, "before your wondering eyes to appear," would preclude you, from the necessity of affixing your reclaimed patio lounge recliner atop of some seruptiously lubricated, wheeled, long boards, as well as the 2 pulleys and hemp lanyerd you employ, in wisking you from side to side, for closeup viewing experiences.
Yes, you do drink a bunch of Whiskey. If I were you, I would print everything you say in Calligraphy and post it around your house... That way, any burglar would be fixated on them and would flee when they realized you were probably going to chloroform them and do medical experiments.
Back to the heat... I never thought of it this way for some reason... It's 80 degrees inside right now, but people (not me) love hanging out in 80 degrees outside all the time... So, why would people use AC?

Assuming 100 degrees outside is 80 inside, that seems to be my case...

Now to cool... I went down in my crawl space to turn on the sprinklers, and it clocks in at 67. That's right at my perfect ideal temperature year round, so I guess I'm moving down there! (Or to the Equator like the mountains of Ecuador, that holds steady within that 10 degree range 24/7/365)... They don't use AC or Heat.
I suppose to keep the windows closed, you could run the hoses through the dryer vent opening & stuff cloths in there

Or, close the window as far as possible and put damp towels in the gap.

And, you can ditch one hose by connecting the "incoming" hose to a faucet with an Aerator Thread to GHT adapter.

And, ditch the other by sending the water down a drain, such as a bath tub. Not a wise use of water, but the windows stay closed.
The dryer vent is plugged with dryer venting.

Running water over cooled coils with a fan is all an AC is though. I've never had the inventing bug though.
Yes, you do drink a bunch of Whiskey. If I were you, I would print everything you say in Calligraphy and post it around your house... That way, any burglar would be fixated on them and would flee when they realized you were probably going to chloroform them and do medical experiments.
Actually, it's single-malt scotch with a drambuie float, in my day, a scotch-rocker, but in todays world, a rusty-nail.

A salubrious elixer.

Interesting, "chloroform," would that be from the interspeculor combining rice & lintels, in the same caldera, with a subsequent distillation and vacuum packaging?
Speaking of smooth whiskey. I just bought a bottle and tried it, and loved it. Best of all, I don't even like whiskey. But this stuff is 'above' Top Shelf, but at $150 a bottle, I love it. I just bought a second bottle as a back up. View attachment 32992
There's been some interesting back-and-forth about whiskey and scotch here. I don't know much about either, but I noticed an ad on TV for the below. Is it real or is it a gag? (To me, it does not sound at all like something someone would enjoy)

And, I was surprised that there was a distilled spirits ad on TV. Didn't that get banned long ago?



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Did you know that if you mix acetone and bleach and keep it iced (so it stays cold) it makes chloroform? If it warms up it becomes a toxic gas though. And even in liquid form it is highly carcinogenic.

I don't know much about booze. I've never really been interested.

Still tired today. Allergies are acting up so I've been sneezing. Fed kitties, cooked for Mom, cooked dinner for everyone in the house and changed Mom's insulin cartridge on her pump. I found if she lies down while I remove the tubing from the canula it makes it a lot easier for me to mess with it.

When I fed Boo, Itsy, Rupert, and Mewlatto their canned food I had to hold Boo's bowl up for him, push the food to the middle, and then add some water to it so he could wash it down more easily. He now wants someone to hold his bowl up for him when he eats. He's an old kitty and very sweet so we spoil him. I pushed Rupert's food to the middle of the bowl and added a little water for him as well. Itsy and Mewlatto don't have any problems with their food going to the edges. I need to get Itsy checked out by the vet. She's super skinny even though she eats a ton.
There's been some interesting back-and-forth about whiskey and scotch here. I don't know much about either, but I noticed an ad on TV for the below. Is it real or is it a gag? (To me, it does not sound at all like something someone would enjoy)

And, I was surprised that there was a distilled spirits ad on TV. Didn't that get banned long ago?

Yeah, there is all kinds of flavored Whiskey and other Liquor for that matter... I haven't tried any Whiskey besides that exact Peanut Butter, and it's actually good... I would never have thought that, but I wouldn't pay a premium for it. It costs 3 times as much as Evan Williams or Redneck Riviera on one site I found...

The biggest problem with Skrewball or Jagermeister or Kraken Rum is it's all candy... You can drink a bunch without knowing it and then you're hammered and don't know how... Then the next day is triage.

They have Bacon flavored Vodka, but I haven't tried it...


I don't know anything about ads, I ignore them all.
Did you know that if you mix acetone and bleach and keep it iced (so it stays cold) it makes chloroform? If it warms up it becomes a toxic gas though. And even in liquid form it is highly carcinogenic.
Well, tell us more, Miss Serial... I mean nice lady way back in the woods!

Little Red Riding Hood, we stay away from that side of the creek!
As often as not when programming prescribe prefab cabinet boxes the fillers are added so that there is a distinctively recognizable vertical end alignment. Often, standard available, become adjustable.
Yes, I considered the vertical alignment. The tops and base cabs came out even in this spot. The filler was because the designer thought I wanted the cabinets to end at a certain point but the plan changed from “Plan B” to “plan C”. I added a 1” filler so the stove would not be right up against the cabinet next to it. Just for looks, that’s all.
Yes, I considered the vertical alignment. The tops and base cabs came out even in this spot. The filler was because the designer thought I wanted the cabinets to end at a certain point but the plan changed from “Plan B” to “plan C”. I added a 1” filler so the stove would not be right up against the cabinet next to it. Just for looks, that’s all.
Function matching aesthetics, equals equilibrium.
Yes, I considered the vertical alignment. The tops and base cabs came out even in this spot. The filler was because the designer thought I wanted the cabinets to end at a certain point but the plan changed from “Plan B” to “plan C”. I added a 1” filler so the stove would not be right up against the cabinet next to it. Just for looks, that’s all.
If your job is like those at my house, at Plan C, you're just getting started!

The room looks Great! in the photos. I should be so talented.

Fast Food inflation... I have only had BK and Arby's in the last 10 years, only a couple times. I just don't have a craving for fast food, but I would get some Jack in the Box right now if I could...

For this cost we get to eat sugar laden white flour, deep fried stuff and enough salt to de-ice a 4 lane highway? Not for me, brother man!

In a college marketing class, we learned the Junk Food Magic Formula:
The combination of grease, salt and sugar triggers something in our brains that makes us want to eat more of that item. Hence the, "Bet you can't eat just one" potato chip ads from the 70's.
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For this cost we get to eat sugar laden white flour, deep fried stuff and enough salt to de-ice a 4 lane highway? Not for me, brother man!

In a college marketing class, we learned the Junk Food Magic Formula:
The combination of grease, salt and sugar triggers something in our brains that makes us want to eat more of that item. Hence the, "Bet you can't eat just one" potato chip ads from the 70's.

Yep... Keeping Dentists busy with pulling teeth for decades!...

Also MSG, which is hidden in everything under other names... Kind of like Bisphenol A (BPA) free products use BPS or 20 something other Bispenol chemicals...


Yep... Keeping Dentists busy with pulling teeth for decades!...

Also MSG, which is hidden in everything under other names... Kind of like Bisphenol A (BPA) free products use BPS or 20 something other Bispenol chemicals...


I never did understand why restaurants & packaged food makers are killing their customers on purpose.

One of the divisions of the company for whom I worked was food manufacturing- every kind of food.
I could not believe what is in processed food. The worst, however, was beef- especially ground beef. No Thank You!

Conspiracy Theory: Undertakers secretly pose as menu item creators for the fast food & packaged food industries. (Just kidding, of course. Everyone knows it's the cardiologists.)
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I used to write crappy fanfics and I looked up how to make chloroform for a story. Also had an online friend who was fascinated with chemistry and she explained some of the process and the necessity of keeping the solution cold.

I've never had Jack In the Box. My dad had it twice, 20 years apart. Both times he got food poisoning. I do like Arby's but there aren't any in my area.

Had to break up an ugly cat fight again. Yasuke was hollering at Snugglebum and he hollered back. I separated them but Gravy Jones was on alert and howled at Snugglebum. Snugs jumped on him and they were rolling around kicking and biting. I put my foot in between and Snugs chomped my shoe, realized it wasn't Gravy, stopped, and I managed to pull them apart. But Gravy jumped back on him. I separated them again and put Snugs on the cat tree and petted him to calm him down. Then I went over to calm Gravy down. Yasuke climbed inside of a box and is grooming himself.

Earlier I brought in all 4 cases of water from the truck. My brother was asking about them because he was supposed to help and he didn't notice I brought them in. He apologized but he'd been really tired. His blood pressure was high with all the crap at work. Turns out the employee who screwed up was trying to throw him under the bus and put all the blame on him even though he didn't do anything wrong. The boss finally came and talked to my brother and apologized to him and they hugged it out. The culpable employee has to go through training again. Apparently in the last year she's had some health issues and her personality changed drastically.

gonna have to hit the store to get some stuff for Mom and get dog food.