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  1. R


    Hello, I have a floor drain in my basement… As you can see in the pictures the thing with the yellow cap.. I just wanted to clarify is this the sewer drain? It seems like all of the water in my house will flush down the yellow capped drain.. I can see it if I take the cap off and shine a flash...
  2. R

    How serious?

    here are a few more photos if it helps That bottom layer of bricks is more inward than the top
  3. R

    How serious?

    Thanks for the response! So I don’t know if this makes a difference but there was some rain recently and from inside of the garage where that gap is there is water leaking out of it. I didn’t see any brick ties it does appear the bricks are structural with that being said that one area is the...
  4. R

    How serious?

    Thank you guys for the responses. I am having a hard time determine if the bricks are structural or cosmetic here are a few other photos if they help!
  5. R

    How serious?

    How serious is this? Probably been like this for a long time. This is a crack in the garage kind of in the middle of the garage I noticed. Anyone have a rough estimate how much it would be to get fixed? Is the garage at serious short term risk for collapsing?
  6. R


    So a month ago a few plumbers came over and used connected their hose to a water source that hasn’t been used in years. When they tried to turn it off it was dripping non stop. he put a cap on it and tightened it and I assumed it stopped so today I’m doing laundry and notice a small puddle and...
  7. R

    Please help ASAP

    Can you all please help me with this… I had a very good plumber come over to do some work. He turned on this hose type thing in my basement which probably hasn’t been turned in in 5 years. after he left I noticed it was dripping a lot. Probably about a full liter every 10 mins and my basement...
  8. R

    Is this urgent?

    I think it was a 3 tab shingle. I have no idea it is like halfway up my moderately steep roof. I haven’t noticed a leak. It looks like a blacks substance was beneath the shingle but it’s hard to tell since it’s high up
  9. R

    Is this urgent?

    Hi everyone, in the process of getting a new roof. So a roofer evaluated my house and while he was on the roof a shingle fell off. It might be 2-3 months (hopefully tops before o get a new replacement roof) is it okay to leave a missing shingle this long? It rains a fair amount. Thanks all
  10. R

    Does this need fixed?

    How would I know if it’s a hidden leak to a wood floor? It looks like the toilet bowl water is never refilling is that a sign it isn’t leaking? And I stuck the toothpick in the very small crack and it’s not deep at all
  11. R

    Does this need fixed?

    Thanks for the response. I didn’t notice an obvious leak at all? It looks like the small crack isn’t deep at all I used a toothpick for measure and it’s maybe like 1/16th of an inch deep. I am on a wood framed floor system.
  12. R

    Does this need fixed?

    Hi all, I noticed the inside of my toilet bowl had a small crack. No water has been leaking in the bathroom. Just wondering if this is cosmetic or needs an immediate fix?
  13. R


    Hello, I’m trying to figure out what material the inside of my basement wall is? I’m guessing concrete? The house is brick on the outside but from the pictures when it rains really hard I can feel the concrete is wet on the inside of the basement thanks all
  14. R

    Is this cosmetic?

    Hi all, cleaning my gutters and noticed a horizontal crack. Does it appear pretty normal? should I just monitor it? It’s close to the roof of the house maybe 6” away
  15. R

    What does this mean?

    What does that mean?